We offer Rehoming and Guarantee of Good Health for all puppies. When an issue arises, the health information or defect is clearly stated on the Health Guarantee, informing the purchaser before completion of the sale.
Rehoming Guarantee
If for any reason you cannot keep your puppy/dog and/or you cannot find a suitable home, you may return it to us and we will place it for adoption into a new home. There is NO FEE or REFUND for rehoming our dogs.
Guarantee of Good Health
This guarantee does not warrant that this dog has been examined by a veterinarian. The purchaser is encouraged to have this dog examined by a veterinarian as soon after purchase as possible. Specific provisions are provided under Section 9.3 of the Unfair Trade Practices And Consumer Protection Law.
All of the information provided in this guarantee of Good Health is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
On the date of sale, the dog being sold is:
- apparently free of and does not exhibit any signs of any contagious or infectious disease;
- apparently free from and does not exhibit any signs of any defect which is congenital or hereditary; AND does not exhibit any signs of being clinically ill or exhibit any signs of a parasitic infestation;
- any and all exceptions to be noted at time of sale.
Buyer acknowledges that he/she is purchasing a pet and that the breeder cannot guarantee its color, size, weight, conformation, temperament or breeding ability.
Buyer should take puppy to veterinarian within 10 days of the date of purchase.
For questions regarding our Rehoming and Guarantee of Good Health policies, contact us.contact us.