Jake (Dachshund)
I wanted to give you an update on Jake, AKA Georgie. He will be 9 months old next week and is a very happy, healthy, spoiled Puppy. You were right about him getting a little bigger than his parents, but I wouldn’t give him up for any reason; his personality is perfect and it just lets you see the brindle in his coat better. He is the most loving, sweet dachshund I have ever owned.
Have also included a picture of him with his best friend at nap time. But when it comes to bedtime my king size bed is his, I had to build steps just so he could get up and down or he sat on the floor and cried so of course he gets what he wants.
Thank you so much for my best friend. And hope to be able to give you updates for a very long time.
Wendi Burton