Pippin and Rascal (Lhasaliers)
We renamed them Pippin for the buff colored boy and Rascal for the tri-color boy. They are a joyful addition to our family. They have blended into our family as if the Lord planned them especially for us. We have 4 wheelers that they love to ride on with us. They love water and exploring. They love training, I think for 2 reasons, spending time with us and for the treats!
They know sit, laydown, leave it (for anything that falls on the floor) stay, shake and we are working on dance pretty. They know words and we have gotten so we have to spell them so our children (Pip and Rascal) don’t know when we are discussing treats, a walk, bye bye(in the car) or bed time(they sleep in their crate). They know outside, too. My boys are smart, loving, mellow and sweet to everyone. I can’t thank you enough for these boys.
I entered Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Lhasa Apso cross on google recently and was sent to a site that said the kennel clubs are calling this hybrid Lhasaliers, which I think is a pretty name. I am constantly asked what breed they are and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Lhasa Apso cross is a mouth full. I will refer to them as Lhasaliers from now on. I have been asked where I got them and am passing your information on to others.
Cassandra D